#TheoThursday – Accountability
Earlier today I read 1 Corinthians 5:12: “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?”* I write frequently about accountability. Well, what is it? Accountability is both getting “all up in someone else’s business,” and allowing the same person to “get all up in […]
#TuesdayT – Thank a Vet
I witnessed something beautiful Sunday at the Bears game. The Bears chose Retired United States Marine Corporal Kyle Carpenter (Medal of Honor Recipient) as their honorary captain, which meant that he walked with the other captains to midfield for the coin-flip. As Kyle left the field my friend elbowed me and said, “I flew cover […]
#TheoThursday – Selfish Ambition
I recently studied Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia and came to Galatians 5:19-21 where he lists “the works of the flesh.” I’ve probably read the list 50 or more times in my life. So, I was stunned to find these two words staring me down: Selfish Ambition. Our society teaches us that we […]
Encouraging the Team
I write frequently about how leaders need to encourage their team. So, instead of writing another post about encouraging the team, I thought I’d share a real-life example. What follows is copy from an actual email I sent to our team. My goal in writing the email was twofold. First, I wanted to use a […]
#TuesdayT – Humility
Someone recently asked my opinion about how my local church conducts its weekend services. I told this person that while I would prefer some changes be made, I take the vow I make every September – to submit to the leadership of the Trustees, Elders, and Staff -very seriously. Therefore, my opinions are only that, […]
#TheoThursday Ecclesiastes
, Welcome to another semi-regular reoccurring post entitled, #TheoThursday. These posts will examine the intersection of faith and career. The goal is for the reader to come away with new appreciation for how relevant the Bible is to their life. Disclaimer: The Bible is misinterpreted all the time. Not only does misinterpretation cause harm, it […]
I often dream about managing a major league baseball team. While I imagine the job would be more difficult than most baseball fans think, I’d enjoy the rhythm of the baseball season. Think about some of the advantages: clear definition around who wins and who loses, the games have a definitive end to them, so […]
Reflections on “Training the Mind.”
Back in January, I wrote a post about training the mind, and used the example of my putting routine in golf to demonstrate one area in which I was working on doing so. I said that I would report back in October to how the golf season went, so that is what I am doing […]
Blog Housekeeping
Reflecting has become a major part of my weekly routine. Not only do I utilize Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus Planner, I also have begun using his journal. The journal gives 8 questions/prompts that help one reflect on their day. My routine is to use the journal Monday through Thursday, and the weekly review in the Full […]
The Beauty of Work Problems
It was a week before Christmas. Our 6-week-old son, Ben, was terribly sick. So sick that he could hardly breath. He had RSV, and things progressed from the doctor’s office, to the hospital, to the hospital with the best PICU in our area. Thankfully, our story ended on Christmas Eve when we took Ben home. […]