The Small Things, Even Trash, Matter.

service sign

I recently went to my old gym because it is closer to my house and the roads were awful due to a November blizzard. While the gym itself is fine, I was quickly reminded why I left:

What this picture communicates is that nobody cares. Not only was there a trash problem, there were 45lb weights thrown onto the floor like they were the discarded legos of our five-year-old. I’d like to dismiss all this and say that the gym was just having a “bad day.” The problem is that this kind of behavior went on for MONTHS prior to me leaving, and apparently still exists!

It was so bad that I ended up joining a gym further away from my house, that costs MUCH more.

And is awesome….

I fear this may sound judgmental, but it is not intended to be. So, here is what goes through my mind when I see something like this:

What small things am I not paying attention to?

What small things is Hoffer Plastics not paying attention to?

Do we value our customers? Really?

Do I value my kids? Am I willing to help pick their crap up, even when they should be picking their crap up?

Am I willing to help Sarah clean the kitchen up? Especially when work has been mentally and physically taxing?

If everyone treated Christ Community Church the way I do, would the Church be healthy?

Do I ever forget to put weights away at my new gym?

Or, more personal…Do I let people I love hear that I love them?

Do I hug my wife enough?

My mom would want me to hug her more.


I could go on.

The small things –even trash — matter.