Memorial Day Thoughts from a Veteran Who Made it Back Home
As we fire up the grill and enjoy the long holiday weekend, here’s a guest post about the REAL meaning of Memorial Day from my friend Captain Matthew Mason, United States Marine Corps.
The Leader Layer
Effective leaders are those who not only give feedback but also regularly solicit, listen to, and act on the feedback of others. Here’s why I think it’s important to develop your leader layer, and how a solid leader layer differs from a “thick skin”.
Mothers: The Original Leaders
Leaders are those worth following, those who do things with and through other people. But who else does that describe? Mothers! Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms; those leading their families, those balancing careers and motherhood, and all moms in between.
Leadership Failures Part Four: Failing to Lead from the Front
As a leader, it’s tempting to do the work — after all, doing the work is likely what helped you earn your leadership position! But your leadership role means you must step out of the trenches and into the front line. Here are the three things you need to focus on when leading from the front.
Leadership Failures Part Three: Failing to Affirm
As a leader, I’ve realized one area where I need to improve is in affirming those I work with. After all, work is human — and humans crave affirmation. Learn why I think effective leaders are those who can unveil the last 5% of themselves.
Leadership Failures Part Two: Failing to Give Direction
Leaders: what’s the secret to doing a good job of communicating? Don’t make your followers be mind readers. Learn more about what I think clarity and affirmation are the keys to effective communications.
Leadership Failures Part One: Stop Pursuing When Others Lean Out
In this new four-part series, I take a look at the leadership failures I experienced in 2022, and what I’ve learned as a result. My first leadership failure? I stopped pursuing when others leaned out.
Hope Springs Eternal
As we celebrate Easter, I offer this for your consideration: In a world that lacks hope — in a world full of ridicule, alienation, and mocking — perhaps it is time to reconsider the Hope of the World?
Applying What We Learn
Continual learning is great. But if we aren’t applying what we’re learning, it may actually be holding us back. Here’s why it’s important to remember, reflect, and respond to what we’re learning to ensure we get the most out of it.
Best of: 23 Things Golf Taught Me About Life and Leadership
As winter turns to spring, and as many enjoy Spring Break, here is a post from last fall about the lessons I learned from golf in 2022.