“I Felt Big There”
As a leader, one of the most powerful things we can do is ensure that others felt seen and heard. Dignifying others is one of the best ways we as leaders can pay it forward.
Thoughts on COVID, Work, Family, and Gratitude
In February, I spent a week at home with my second bout of COVID, and spent a lot of time thinking about all sorts of things — from COVID and work to family and gratitude.
How Does Shared Leadership Work?
When my sisters and I decided to share leadership of our business, some people thought we were crazy. How would we make it work? What would happen if we all didn’t agree on a decision? Here’s what I’ve learned from working with my siblings in the leadership trenches.
What I’ve Learned from Working with My Sisters
I’ve been blessed to work alongside my sisters on Hoffer Plastics’ executive team — and I’ve learned a ton in the process.
Letter to My Grandpa (Part 2)
Every March 3, I honor my grandpa’s memory by writing him a letter. Here’s what I shared with him this year — about life, business, and persistence. (Part 2 of 2)
Letter to My Grandpa (Part 1)
Every March 3, I honor my grandpa’s memory by writing him a letter. Here’s what I shared with him this year — about life, business, and persistence. (Part 1 of 2)
Overcoming Darkness: Shift Your Focus to Turn on the Light
Sometimes in life, we feel depressed, down, and even dark. But by choosing to shift our focus outward, we can reestablish our purpose, uplift our emotions, and serve as a light for others.
Lessons Learned from Self-Inflicted Adversity
Let’s face it: The worst kind of adversity is the kind you bring on yourself. I know this all too well. Here’s how I’m recovering from a recent example of self-inflicted adversity — perhaps it will help you, too?
Battling the Yips in Golf and Life
If you’ve ever suffered from a case of the yips — the nervousness that often comes out of nowhere, causing you to miss an easy putt — you know how frustrating they can be. Here’s what a recent case of the yips has taught me about golf, life, and adversity.
The Way to Win the “Blame Game”? Don’t Play
It’s easy to see when others fall into the “blame game” mindset. But it’s much more difficult to see when we’ve fallen into the blame game trap. #Leaders understand that accepting loss and adversity is the first step to overcoming it.