Dealing with Difficult Employees?

August 22, 2022

What do you do when you have an employee who isn’t meeting expectations? Whose level of work isn’t up to par? Who isn’t motivated? My advice for you is simple: look in the mirror.

Dear Will (2022)

August 15, 2022

August is a busy month for birthdays in the Hoffer household. This week, my son Will turns 11! Here’s what I’ve learned about life, love, attitude, and kindness from my son.

The Power of Remembering

August 8, 2022

When you’re feeling stressed or times get tough, taking a moment to reflect and remember the moments that really matter can renew your spirit.

Dear Sadie (2022)

August 1, 2022

As my baby girl turns six this year, I take a moment to reflect on our life and our love.

Loving Yourself

July 25, 2022

Do you love yourself enough to find out what you don’t want to know about yourself? Your answer to this question can impact how effective you are as a person and a leader. Here’s why asking for honest feedback is crucial to your leadership journey.

Loving Others

July 18, 2022

Over the next two weeks, I’m going to ask you to reflect on your leadership effectiveness by asking yourself two simple questions. Here’s this week’s question: Do you love others enough to admit when you are wrong?

The Power of Silence and Repentance

July 11, 2022

I sometimes write blog posts weeks or even months ahead of when they’re actually published. And as I’m writing this blog post, the tragic events in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX have just occurred and are weighing heavy on my mind.

Dear Papa

July 5, 2022

My mom’s dad — my Papa — shaped my life in many ways. Here’s what I’d tell to him if I had the chance to talk to him today.

Living Your Love

June 27, 2022

As my wife and I celebrate our 15th anniversary, I’d like to take a few moments to reflect on some of the specific things we’ve done that have strengthened our marriage — in other words, the things we do that are evidence of us living our love.

To the Class of 2022

June 19, 2022

While I haven’t (yet) been invited to give a high school commencement speech, I often take a few moments this time of year to think about what I’d say. I find that thinking about the advice I’d give others is a great way to ensure that I’m on the right path myself.