Why No Speech Should Last More than 20 Minutes — and How I Learned This (Again!)
I gave my first LIVE talk since pre-COVID last week, and after it, did some honest self-reflection. Here’s what I learned about the value of ending one’s speech five minutes too early rather than five minutes too late.
Focus and Productivity, Or Why Smart Leaders Shut the Blinds
We’re being interrupted more than ever before, and all those interruptions are tanking our focus and wreaking our productivity. As #leaders, what can we do to minimize disruptions and maximize sanity? Here are a few of my ideas; let me know yours in the comments below.
What I’ve Learned From Watching Elon
Whether you personally love him or loathe him, Elon Musk is a leader worth watching and learning from. Here are the three characteristic of his that I most admire and think are worth emulating.
The Power of Gentle Persuasion
These days, it seems like one has to be loud in order to be heard above all of the competing noise. But the reality is that a gentler approach is often the best way to advise, argue, or make an appeal. #Leaders ensure we aren’t using volume as a coverup for insecurity.
Taking It All In
To be someone worth following, you have to be willing to do the hard things—and sometimes that means listening to and absorbing anothers point-of-view rather than imposing your own.
Leading with Reflection and Intention
Living and #leading with intention is important, but including time for reflection is key to ensuring you’re still on the right path.
Walking With Purpose
There’s a big difference between “managing by walking around” and spending time on the production floor learning from, observing, listening to, and connecting with your employees. Here’s why I think it’s so important that #leaders strive for connection.
A Letter From Future Alex
As I reflect on the first 40 years of my life, I’m also looking ahead to the next 40. What will I be like when I’m 80? And what advice would my 80-year-old self give me now?
Show Up, Listen, and Speak Commitment
Regardless of the day or time of year, there’s a good chance that one of your friends, colleagues, or employees is in the midst of grief. #Leaders can’t make everything better—but we can show up, listen, and speak our commitment to being there for them during the journey.
The Power of Intentional Connection
Relationship skills and intentional engagement are key to effective #leadership. Here’s what that looks like in practice.