Regret: The Price of Being Human
Regret is something we all struggle with. #Leaders must ignore the temptation to brush it aside–and make peace with it instead.
People are Human First, Employees Second
Every person at your organization is a human being with real fears, hopes, worries, and insecurities. #Leaders choose to see—and nurture—the humanity in every worker.
Return on Anger
It is not an over exaggeration to say that our current times might later be classified as the age of rage. As divisions over almost everything mount, we are becoming a more angry society. Like most posts I write, the idea of this post came to me because of something I was experiencing. While I […]
1 + 1 + 1
It has been said that leadership is the art of doing things with, and through, other people. The idea of a solo entrepreneur is a misnomer because others are always needed for movement to occur. The other person is often someone inside the organization, so developing people within the organization is vital. Given this reality, […]
The Most Dangerous Lie A Leader (Might) Ignore
The older I get, the more experience I gain, the more I have come to realize the power of the mind. The thoughts we think impact everything from our outlook of the world around us, to our individual performance and almost everything in between. As Henry Ford allegedly said, “whether you think you can, or […]
Meetings are where Leaders LEAD
I used to absolutely dread meetings. I am task-oriented and like to check off my various to-do’s throughout the day. Meetings used to find their way onto the to-do list, but only begrudgingly so. I was never fired up to go to meetings, outside of the strategic planning meetings that clarified what mountains we were […]
Processing Bad News
Yesterday, I received some bad news about someone on our team. It has nothing to do with health, or any other external circumstance, thank goodness. Rather, the news is that their role, and the hours worked, need to change because of some external factors. This post will explain the things I did the last twenty-four […]
Loving Transitions
I do not think I am an overly emotional person, but I recently found myself fighting back tears listening to the podcast, “The World and Everything in It”, (Episode 4.30.21). The last sixteen minutes of the podcast was a “farewell” to one of World Magazine’s reporters, Megan Basham. Among many different roles with World, Megan […]
The Choice
This post is going to get straight to the point. Do you want to be a leader? Are you sure? The more I think about leadership, the more I think it comes down to one choice. This choice decides everything. It is the difference between being an actual leader, or a person others follow, and […]
What Is Success?
WHAT is success? If it is a list external accomplishments set by the collective “we,” will it be worth the toil? If it is some desire in the soul, perhaps recognition or title, will it ever satisfy? And if it is a set of uncontrollable circumstances, like a healthy family, it may be grasped but […]