Overcoming the Sunday Night Blues
All of us have felt it — that sense of tension and anxiety that descends upon us on Sunday night before the start of the work week. It’s how we address those unpleasant emotions that determines if we’ll continue to spend Sunday nights suffering. Here are three tips for beating the Sunday night blues.
Goals Worth Living For
Want to live with intention? Get real about your long-term future. Setting REAL goals for yourself — goals that come from your heart and not from a sense of what you “should” do — are key to living with intention.
Greeting 2022 With New Hope
Intentional living can easily be defeated by daily obligations. But setting (and striving for) an intention is the only way to ensure we meet our goals. As you chart your course for 2022 and beyond, here’s the one question you should ask yourself.
Choose To See The Sun
There’s no shortage of “stuff” to worry, perplex, and distract us. But the more time we spend contemplating this “stuff”, the less time we have for focusing on what really matters. What’s robbing you of your ability to live well and with intention?
Take a Moment to Reset
It’s tempting to start the new year with a bang, moving straight from celebrating the holidays to rolling up your sleeves and jumping back into work. But as a #leader, you need to ignore that temptation. Instead, make the time to reset — take stock of where you’ve been, where you’re going, and what you’ve learned.
The Alarming Trend of Distrust
Asking questions is a good thing. But asking questions from a place of fear and cynicism can be toxic to your relationships in your personal and professional lives. Be the kind of #leader who inspires trust and is quick to give grace.
The Power of “Why?”
As a leader, we should embrace people asking us “why?” Curiosity is the precursor of innovation and improvement, which is why it’s so important to nurture it in our teams.
What a Team of 7-Year-Olds Taught Me About Accountability
When I agreed to help coach my seven-year-old’s baseball team, I had a sense of the skills I’d be teaching them. What was surprising, however, is what they taught me about leadership and accountability.
Who Wants It More?
Back in my basketball days, my teammates knew that I was the one who’d go diving across the floor to keep a loose ball in play. And as the days grow shorter, I find myself thinking about that young man. Is his drive, his willingness to do whatever it takes still in me today?
Sadness, Annoyance, and Anxiety. Just Me?
If I’m being completely honest, I’ve been feeling anxious lately. I can’t tell you exactly why it is or what is causing it—I just know it’s there. I’m sharing this with you because I suspect that many of you have been feeling the same way. Just because we’re #leaders doesn’t mean we have all the answers.