Define Go
GPS technology only works when two factors are present: An accurate “current location,” and an exact address for point of destination. The word success is vague and means something different to most people. It is like setting up your GPS to go “that way.” (As an aside, “that way” is apparently a place on WAZE […]
The Big “AH HA”
Leadership podcasts, events, and books, are all worthwhile. Executive coaching, peer groups, and especially accountability partners, are also vital. But the big “AH HA” happens when…. Wait for it… It is so easy you may miss it… The big “AH HA” happens when you DO THE WORK. You… Do what you have read. Do what […]
The Learning Process
When does learning take place? Does it take place when information is acquired? What about when the information is acted upon? Or, is it even sometime later? Learning happens after feedback: It is only when the information is acted upon, feedback given, and a response made, that learning occurs. Learning, after all, is THE response. […]
The Leadership Mandate
The mandate of leadership is to move something, or someone, from position A to position B. In other words, where no movement is needed, no leader is needed. Leadership is then the process of achieving goals with and through other people. In other words, no other people, no leader. This is why the leader’s most […]
Walking Across the Office…
A couple months ago I asked Bald in Business subscribers for summer post ideas. One subscriber, Roy, shared a story that stood out during this time of division. The purchasing agent at Roy’s last company was someone “not well liked” by many in the office. Apparently, many people considered him a road block inside their […]
I Can Learn from Anyone – Can you?
One of the alarming trends in our society today is herd-mentality. As open as we claim to be towards diversity, we are arguably becoming less diverse in our thinking. Do you believe you can learn from anyone? I have been repeating this mantra to myself lately – “I can learn from anyone.” I have discovered […]
3 Powerful Communication Questions
Everyone reading this post would be a millionaire if they collected one dollar every time they heard someone mutter, “we need to communicate better.” What, exactly, does that look like? While the questions that follow do not solve every communication problem, they solve about 95% of them. Memorize them and put them into action: What […]
The Ultimate Growth Question
John Maxwell is known to ask his team members, “What are my blind spots?” Think about that: Maxwell has written numerous best-selling books about leadership, and is arguably one of the most well-known speakers on the topic of leadership. Yet, he still wants to get better by hearing from others about his blind spots. This […]
Staying Interviews
Forget exit interviews. What are you going to learn? “You need to improve.” Shocking! You did yesterday, you do today, and you will tomorrow. Leaders should notice patterns however: If people reporting to the same boss keep leaving, it is obvious you have a problem. Why don’t you ask the people staying what they are […]
Special Post: WHOOP and COVID-19
WHOOP exists “to unlock human performance. We believe that every individual has an inner potential that they can tap into if they can better understand their body and their behaviors. … We summarize your sleep, your recovery and your strain, and we look at everything through that lens.” (Author’s note, I changed the personal pronouns […]