young people on park bench looking at river

Did WE get a bonus?

February 6, 2018

“Did WE get a bonus,” asked Sarah as I walked into the door. It was the end of the year, the company had done well, and so her anticipation was appropriate. “Yes, WE did,” I replied. All of us play a “we” game. Take me for example. Without Sarah, I wouldn’t travel nearly as much. […]

confidence versus courage video capture

Confidence vs. Courage

February 2, 2018

What’s the difference between confidence and courage? Are you willing to do what is uncomfortable?

coffee cup in foreground with mountains and lake

On Mentoring

January 30, 2018

A few weeks ago, a family friend asked me if I could mentor their child. Of course! Anyone who knows me knows that I believe in being 100% transparent. So, I share the email I wrote to this individual below in hopes of modeling one way of doing so —“one way” is the key phrase […]

show and tell cover image

Show and Tell….

January 26, 2018

Yesterday was an extremely difficult day at Hoffer Plastics. Some thoughts on our family, and a challenge to show and tell. (Note: Excuse the bad video angle. I was not filming this message twice!).

paint brushes on wood

I didn’t have the guts…but the story doesn’t end there.

January 23, 2018

I have a ritual where I reflect monthly on a few documents I created to remind me of important professional endeavors. One of those documents pertains to areas of improvement for the company and its culture, and a few ideas that are more personal in nature. In short, I have discovered that thoughts not captured […]

man reaching hand out of ocean

Making Yourself Better vs. Making Yourself Feel Better

January 19, 2018

Recently on his podcast, Tim Ferriss considered the differences between making yourself better and making yourself feel better. As he explained, making yourself better forces you to confront your own weaknesses and do something about them. This takes time, humility, and a willingness to sacrifice short-term comfort for long-term growth. Conversely, making yourself feel better […]

young people on park bench looking at river

Training the Mind

January 16, 2018

I want to become a better putter when I play golf. I have a 6.5 handicap, and my putting is what holds me back from going lower. While my life won’t necessarily be any better when I achieve a scratch handicap, what motivates me about this goal is overcoming the resistance to it. As most […]

i need help video by alex hoffer

I Need Help

January 12, 2018

It is a humbling admission. Do you have the guts to ask for it?

man reaching hand out of ocean

The Discontentment Problem

January 10, 2018

While attending a conference last month I was taken aback as I listened to many of my friends express discontentment about their current employment. Interesting to note, most of these friends are at very good companies–companies that are winning: results are exceeding expectations and there is tangible evidence of further growth in 2018. Still, there […]

focus on mens shoes

Empowered Service

January 5, 2018

“I was just there to shop for new shoes,” my friend told me. “But, when I complained that the shoes I had on had were slightly coming apart at the sole, and that they were less than a year old, the guy helping me demanded that I take them off. Before I knew it, I […]