November 27, 2019:
3:45 p.m.
My shirt has a little bit of what appears to be a grease stain from shaking hands with people in the tool room this afternoon.
I hope the stain does not come out.
I hope it reminds me to get out on the floor, look people in the eyes, and thank them for their contribution to what we are doing here.
I was out there because tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am thankful for the people on our team. I struggle with how to show genuine thankfulness. Maybe they think I am just doing this because I read it in some leadership book? Maybe they think I am just doing what I saw my grandfather, and now father, do? Maybe they think my sisters and I are just trying to convince them that we care for them as much as Grandpa and Dad do?
In all honesty, I just want to do what’s right.
We wouldn’t have the company that we have without all the people on our team. I know my sisters feel the same way because we talk about the people when things get the hardest in the business. It is them, we tell ourselves, that makes all the hustle worth it.
I don’t know if wishing people a Happy Thanksgiving has a major impact. But I know it is the right thing to do.
And I know that the next time I see the stain on this shirt, I will be reminded to go out again on the floor.
Our team matters more to me than I can adequately put into words.