man reading expert secrets book

Want a promotion?

January 20, 2020

One of our team members was recently promoted to a leadership role. In a meeting explaining the role he was going to take on he said, “I like doing all the crap that nobody likes to do. That’s why I have always had a job.” Want a promotion? Do the work no one else wants […]

daily planner

Gamifying Time Management

January 13, 2020

One of my weaknesses is being too task-oriented. So, given the recent challenge of my Executive Coach, I have created a game in my planned around one-on-one meetings. Using my planner of choice, I record in real-time how I am spending my time. Remedial tasks, like email, get a simple dash (-) by them. These […]

nine one hundred dollar bills fanned out

Deal or No Deal?

January 6, 2020

My Executive Coach recently presented me with a business opportunity: He said: “You have $2,000. I have $50.00. Do you want to trade?” Of course I don’t, I replied. “Then stop spending so much time on email, and other $50 tasks. You are a leader, and should be spending your time doing $2,000 tasks.” Message […]

welcome on bulletin board

3 Focus Areas of Mental Health For 2020

January 2, 2020

Defined broadly, health encompasses the body, the mind, the soul, and even the emotions. To be someone worth following, you need to maintain quality overall health. This means all of the above. While I have definitive strategies around what I do to keep the body, the soul, and even the emotions, healthy; today’s post is […]

alex hoffer in office

Last Post of 2019: This is the Way

December 19, 2019

An early episode of the new Disney + series, The Mandalorian, features a scene where the main protagonist (aptly called the Mandalorian or “Mando”) is reunited underground with other mandalorians (bounty hunters). During their interaction, it becomes clear that one of the founding sayings of the group is: “this is the way.” This got me […]

woman holding pink coffee mug that says do it anyway

Leader Thoughts

December 16, 2019

November 27, 2019: 3:45 p.m. My shirt has a little bit of what appears to be a grease stain from shaking hands with people in the tool room this afternoon. I hope the stain does not come out. I hope it reminds me to get out on the floor, look people in the eyes, and […]

closeup of fly on branch

Mid Week Perspective: The Fly Problem

December 11, 2019

Sarah had our pest control agent to the house the other day. Our house passed its monthly checkup, although there had been a small problem with flies in the boys’ shared bathroom back in September and October. Thanks to cold Chicago temperatures, the problem is resolved for now, but we are still curious how 2-3 […]

man holding lantern to illuminate blue field

A Dream That Led to Reflection

December 9, 2019

One of my goals with this blog is to be real. I don’t have a ghost writer, so what follows is something that actually happened. It is also something I don’t want to share because it is not flattering. But the uncomfortable stories are the ones worth sharing because there is much to learn from […]

young person touching a globe

Mid-Week Perspective: Mindset

December 4, 2019

The Mid-Week Perspective post is an “almost weekly” post that comments on the world and all that is in it. All opinions are my own. This past weekend, our church wrapped up a fascinating series on how Biblical Christianity and Science are not at odds with one another. The series, entitled “All Creation Sings” can […]

Closeup of young man pointing finger


December 2, 2019

Welcome to excuseville. Everyone is welcome, all you need is an excuse. Welcome to all the washed-up former high school athletes. We agree that if it wasn’t for that one coach, or that terrible injury, you would have made the big leagues. We will be happy to keep sulking with you because that is what […]