A Letter to Sadie
Over the years, I’ve learned that the most profound lessons often come from unexpected sources — like my 8-year-old daughter. In this birthday letter, I reflect on how her embodiment of love, peace, and gentleness not only touches my heart, but also inspires my approach to leadership and life.
The Power of Positive Reinforcement
From red light cameras to workplace policies, punishment often takes center stage. But what if we shifted our focus to rewarding good behavior?
Love Thy Neighbor
With the political divide growing even wider, how can we bridge the gap and prioritize what truly matters? In this post, I recall my late grandfather and explore what he and his generation can teach us about sacrificial service, community, and unity.
Safety First
“Safety first” isn’t just a cliché — it’s critical to your business for protecting your team, fostering open communication, and creating a thriving workplace culture.
What the Oregon Trail Taught Me About Leadership
Readers of a certain age likely have core memories of The Oregon Trail, an educational video game aiming to teach 1980s school children about the harsh realities of pioneer life. Well, I decided to play the game again as an adult. Here’s what I learned about being a good leader…and avoiding dying of dysentery.
Masters of the Air
On this Memorial Day, please join me in taking a moment to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country — and for their families who still mourn their loss.
When You Feel Like Giving Up
After one of my worst golf games in recent memory, I seriously considered “retiring” from any kind of semi-competitive golf. But after praying on the situation, I realized that the price of NOT playing may be higher than I’m willing to pay. After all, the battle is where the growth comes.
The Upside of Not Sleeping
If you’re like me, you occasionally (or sometimes more than occasionally) find yourself lying awake in bed in the middle of the night, your mind racing when it should be resting. The next time that happens, use that time to check in on yourself as a leader.
What Do You See?
I’m a firm believer that what we focus on grows. So what we choose to see in our lives has an impact on what we get more of. Do you see the miserable grump in the checkout line ahead of you, or the fallible human in need of compassion and encouragement? Do you see the mistake your partner just made, or their vast goodness? This week, I challenge you to challenge yourself: what do you see?
Searching for Light After Darkness
As we celebrate Easter, I ponder the question: Can there be light after darkness? During the darkest times in our lives, it seems nearly impossible. But I believe in a Creator who makes the darkness disappear.