I’m nervous when I get up to speak in front of a large group of people.
I’m nervous when I think about our kids’ futures, and how they will develop.
I’m nervous about Hoffer Plastics, how it serves the heroes within and heroes without (heroes equaling customers, team members, and community).
I’m nervous every time I tee it up on the first tee.
I’m nervous when I monitor what Charity Water is doing across the globe. For no one should ever die because of unsanitary water.
I’m nervous when I think about Sarah, our future, and ALWAYS making tomorrow better than today.
I’m nervous when I think about my friend Asaph, his studies in Africa, and the difference he will someday soon make to the thousands of lives he will touch in Africa through PAACS.
I’m nervous on Sunday nights when four couples walk into our living room and we begin talking about life, its challenges, and how God’s Word applies to it all.
I’m nervous every time I wake up at 4:50 A.M. and head, in the dark, to the gym and workout in a way that sets the tone for my future health and future self.
I’m nervous every time I write a blog post, every time I post it, and every time someone reads it.
All this is true because I care a LOT about the things mentioned above. So, I spend a lot of time praying, and an equal amount of time doing.
I have come to realize that nerves are only an indicator that what I am doing matters.
I am most afraid, then, of not being nervous.