
alex hoffer

5 Actions I am Taking For Civility

The last week has been momentous for America. Naturally, I found myself having several conversations during the week about what was transpiring. Therefore, I am pivoting from my original post for this week and writing this post on January 8th. To be sure, what follows is not about politics. In fact, I started taking these actions long before last week. Division, in my opinion, is so prevalent that as a leader I need to have a plan. So, below is my plan. The challenge, as always, is for you to create your own. Without civility, leadership wanes and eventually dissipates because no one follows uncivil leaders for long.

Action 1: I am flooding my mind with the Bible.

I have always been disciplined about reading the Bible. But I am upping the ante this year. Why? Simply stated, we live in an era dominated by information so I want to ensure that my mind is filled with God’s word more than anything else. To do this, I am using the app “Bible in One Year” from Alpha. I invite anyone needing some hope to join me. With regards to civility, it leads to Action 2.

Action 2: I am praying more.

Prayer, understood properly, is a means of ACTION that connects us with God to see the world in the way God sees it (i.e., as it is unveiled in his Word, the Bible). My prayer starts with confession where I spend time identifying all my messes. It then leads to repentance, or when I ask God for help to walk in the opposite direction of those messes. I then praise God using attributes in the Bible (forgiveness, sovereignty, and countless others!). Then, I move to praying for others and myself (more on that in a second). Finally, I finish with thanksgiving. Thanksgiving reorients my life to what good is happening, even on weeks like last week.

So how does prayer lead to civility? Prayer is always more about changing who you are —becoming the person God wants you to be which is always, among many other things, more loving—rather than about “getting what you want.” So, I spend time praying for others, especially those I disagree with. I do this because it helps me see the world from their perspective by thinking about what they might need from God. This inevitability grows my love for them. For example, I once prayed so much for a customer who was giving me a hard time that I started loving them six months into it (it took about six months for me to overcome my lack of love!). A year later, after this customer had been fired from their own company, they called me first. This is not to brag; it is just an example of what prayer does: Praying increased my love for this person. And prayer always does this! To this day I think fondly of this person, despite some of the harsh things they said to me before I started praying for them.

Action 3: I am limiting my news intake to the A.M. only.

Are you still with me? If so, stop participating in the 24/7 news cycle. Seriously. STOP. It is unhealthy for everyone. Instead of doing this, I am reading two newsletters from the Wall Street Journal and a few articles in the paper that I find interesting. Then I stop, go to work, and actually work instead of being consumed by the news. When I get home at night, I unplug from the news. It will all be there in the morning. How does this help civility? Rest from the news gives one perspective and time to think. What would happen if individuals in our country thought more about what was happening rather than reacting on the spot to everything?

Action 4: I have eliminated all social media but LinkedIn.

I wrote about this last month, so I will make this brief. Social Media has positive elements so I am not going to say that it is all negative. But, my experience of it has demonstrated that people —including me! —are willing to post things on it that they would otherwise not say in public. This is not healthy. Combine it with the comparison game, or in my case, my temptation to make myself look better than I am, the right choice for me was to stop using it. If you are getting worked up reading what others are saying, either those you agree with or those you disagree with, it is time to get off of it. Let me repeat, it is time for you to shut your accounts down! Staying on, to quote Dr. Henry Cloud, is akin to having someone pee in your cereal and you complain how it tastes. Social media influences your brain and heart, and you need both to be civil. Use the time you used to spend on social media to do number 1 above, and number 5…

Action 5: I am reading more history books.

At the risk of over-generalizing, it feels like our society has lost perspective. History always gives perspective. What our country is facing right now is both similar in some ways, and different in other ways, from challenges in the past. It takes a thorough understanding of history to assess to assess what is really going on and why it matters. So, why not spend twenty minutes a day reading history and learning so that you can put what is happening in its appropriate context?

For leaders this is particularly important. If we are charting the course for others to follow, shouldn’t we have an understanding of the past? Furthermore, as it relates to civility, shouldn’t we be reading books about the wrongs of the past (like slavery and racial injustices) that grow our compassion and understanding for people not like us? And wouldn’t that time be far more impactful and more useful than reading what our high school “friend”- who we have not seen in twenty years—has to say about what happened last week on social media?

Civility is still possible.

Let that sink in because I know to many it does not feel like it.

It is going to take leaders, people that are worth following, to forge the way of civility. I am not waiting for politicians to figure this out.

Rather, I am going to be civil right now.

More aptly, I am going to love because I am loved by a heavenly Father. Thanks be to Jesus for that.

Will you join me?

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woman typing on laptop in factory

3 Not So Obvious Reasons Why Manufacturing Matters

According to the National Association of Manufacturers, manufacturers accounted for 11.39% of the total output of the economy, and employed 8.51% of the workforce in the year 2018. Another 2018 study done by PRNewswire-USNewswire found that family-owned businesses create 78% of new U.S. jobs and employ 60% of the workforce (obviously this accounts for more than manufacturers). While I am admittedly biased to the importance of these numbers given that I have grown up in a family-run injection molding business, I resoundingly believe in the importance of manufacturing for multiple reasons that extend beyond the reasons already mentioned (economic output and job creation). Here are three not so obvious reasons why manufacturing matters.

Manufacturing provides dignity to large segments of society that are not offered legitimate opportunity elsewhere. CBS news reported in December 2019 that “about 40% manufacturing workers now have college degrees,” but this means that more than 50% do not. To this end, manufacturing offers many job opportunities to people with only a high school degree. Manufacturing jobs also shield many from unnecessary debt. Given that by November 2020 the average borrower owed $37,172 in student-loan debt, manufacturing can be a better alternative than attending four-year universities for some. While this is not a plea that four-year education as we know it is finished, nor is it a suggestion that four-year degrees are not worthwhile for some fields, it is to say that manufacturing can offer job opportunities that are not available in other fields. Further, manufacturers are often willing to pay for trade schools, and in some cases, four-year degrees through apprentice programs. These programs not only provide jobs at their completion, they also shield enrollees from unnecessary debt. What makes this all-the-more important is that manufacturing cares little about race, gender, or any external marker. Admittedly, this was not true historically, but the times have changed. At Hoffer Plastics we are observing women working in the traditionally male-dominant tool room, and minority workers in automation, maintenance, and various other programs. This is an awesome development!

In addition to giving human beings dignity, manufacturing provides for the upward mobility of the worker. While some continue to point to the historical injustices of the past, and assume they are still prevalent today, my experience suggest these stigmas are no longer true in manufacturing. My personal belief stems from the relationships I have had at Hoffer Plastics with individuals that have advanced all the way to the top of our organization from the “ground-level.” One man, for example, rose from an entry-level worker to General Manager, and another woman rose from an entry-level inspector to the Director of Quality. Both of these individuals have since retired, but we still have examples to point to like a first-generation immigrant leading our Tool Room, and several Plant Managers who began their careers as 18-year-olds in entry-level positions. In talking with leaders at other manufacturers, our experience is hardly exceptional. This is because manufacturing continually needs more people than generally available in the job pool. Therefore, manufactures are incentivized to grow people within, and subsist on a meritocracy based on equal opportunity. Upward mobility of the worker will be our collective lifeblood going forward.

Finally, in addition to the dignity and upward mobilization of the worker, manufacturing impacts the local community in multiple ways. First and foremost, manufacturing provides jobs to communities that depend on them. What I mean here is jobs in rural places where other job opportunities are sparse. Our business, for example, has taken me to cities in North America, Europe, and Asia, that would be otherwise off the beaten path. Without manufacturing, one could question how the people living in these communities would make a living? Further, manufacturing supports local communities through charitable giving. Admittedly, this various from manufacturer to manufacturer. But, I have been personally reminded of this during the last twelve months as non-profits have reached out to us for assistance during these trying times. While other manufacturers may have a different world view, we believe that any success of ours leads to good news for those in our community. To that end, we want to be good stewards of what God has blessed us with by giving back and hopefully blessing others. This may sound idealistic, but it is what we have done for almost seven decades. We applaud those who do the same, and there are many!

While this post differs in content from the usual discussion on leadership and personal development, I start off 2021 with it because advocating on behalf of manufacturing jobs is a large part of my professional why. I am continually challenged when I walk our floor and converse with team-members of various ethnicities, faiths, and just about every kind of belief system imaginable. Yet, despite all these differences, we have collectively come together through the reality of manufacturing. As our society continues to have serious conversations about all these matters, and as tensions have continued to rise, manufacturing can be part of the solution. Simply put, manufacturing done well is a place where people come together to make things that benefit others. So, leaders, our desire for the improvement, advancement, and the value of human beings can never be questioned.

In the professional context, my advocation for manufacturing jobs will never tire because human beings, all human beings, matter to God. Thus, they matter to me. So, to that end, let’s utilize manufacturing and all work for the betterment of human beings and community.

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plan your year on tablet

Going Out With A Bang – The Annual Quit List

The New Year always brings endless possibilities for more. As a go-getter, I am always fired up to set new goals and take new ground. But, one can only take on so much. To that end, as a leader I want to always evaluate the tasks I am asking team members to do because I cannot continually add to that “to-do” list. So, clarifying what they can “quit” is not only humane, but also gives them renewed energy to pursue what is important now. Similarly, I have found that I need to do the same for myself. What follows are three things I am quitting for 2021. The purpose of this short post is for you to begin thinking about the things you need to quit as well. Then, I would challenge you to write them down prior to deciding when you are going to let them go in 2021.

Here is my list:

Social Media: No judgment to anyone else with what I am about to share. But, while social media has never been a complete time-suck for me, it has been a continual temptation for me to project a better version of myself than what is reality. Specifically, this is true on Instagram, where I have failed to share pictures of myself in anything other than positive light. (C’mon! You know we ALL do it!) Couple this with my tendency to compare my life to others, I realized this year that social media is, in many ways, unhealthy for me. So, to that end, I have decided to get off Facebook/Instagram/Twitter and not sign up for anything new – I will continue to post this blog on LinkedIn however, so, if you are reading this on LinkedIn, know that I am not going anywhere.

Multi-tasking: If the first item was not aspirational enough, here is one that is extremely so. Having said that, I have come to realize that this is another huge problem for me. A few years ago, I received feedback in a 360 review that I often checked email when I had a person sitting in front of me in my office. This crushed me because my intent was never to tune anyone out. As a “doer,” however, I often find myself moving almost automatically from one thing to the next, but, I do not want to be that person! Rather, I want to be a single-tasker. I want to give the person in my office my FULL attention. Unlike social media, this is something virtually impossible to quit all the time. So, my plan going forward is to notice when I am multi-tasking, remember my intention to quit it, and stop. In most cases, this will probably mean putting the phone down or turning the computer screen off (something I’ve learned and highly recommend when someone else is present in your office).

Putting off going to the doctor: Going to the doctor for a yearly checkup has not been a challenge for me. But, going to the doctor for an injury has been. This year I learned that playing through pain does not work like it used to. So, I am committed to going to the doctor and addressing problems when they come up. While this is truly one of my chosen items to quit next year, I am also including it to encourage other leaders to go to the doctor for yearly check-ups. I have had too many conversations with leaders this year who have been putting this off. The reality is that you are no good to your family, or your workplace, when you are not healthy. So, please take your health seriously in 2021.

There is nothing magical about what I have shared above. But, notice how my selections came from reflecting on the past. Similarly, I encourage you to reflect on the past year and decide what you need to quit going forward. This will help you recalibrate for the year ahead.

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small boy with mouth open astounded on black background

20 Minutes of Learning

Various studies have been done the last several years on how much time employees waste on social media in the workplace. One recently from a “staffing firm” found that workers waste an average of 56 minutes per day using their mobile devices for non-work activities. I am sure that you and I do not have this problem, but what about our organizations? (Note the sarcasm intended in the previous statement).

I question all kinds of waste – plastic parts on the floor, time spent on social media, and extended periods on screens (now called “binging,” which points out how unhealthy it is!). But, I also cannot stand excuse making, and excuses are what I often hear from leaders when I ask them how much they are reading.

“I don’t have time,” they tell me, or, “I am not a reader” or, “reading was boring in high school” (despite the fact that high school was probably three plus decades ago!). All of these are weak excuses.

You might be wondering what social media and time wasted at the workplace has to do with reading as a leader. If it is not already obvious, why don’t you get off your smartphone, your email, and even silence your calls, so that you can learn from spending 20 minutes a day at the office? This is the office place equivalent of “don’t eat that, eat this,” leadership development, because 20 minutes of learning will provide the nourishment you need to become smarter, wiser, and possibly worth following.

Still unconvinced? Do you have that nagging urge to check to see if your last post received more likes? Here are 3 reasons to spend 20 minutes each day learning at the office….

Learning: Duh, that is what this is all about, but hang with me here. Instead of catching up on the latest sporting news, or what your uncle’s cousin thinks about the President, why not dig into a leadership or history book? Notice that I am not suggesting that you read the secret book your grandmother used to read about the estranged lovers. Rather, I am suggesting you read the kind of book that will help you get better at your job or gain perspective about the world. Imagine for a second if everyone in your company read 5 leadership and 5 history books per year. Would your company be better than it is today? I’d wager that it would be.

Slowing: 20 minutes of learning forces you to slow down and stop reacting to the constant bombardment of activity present in the modern workplace. Who among us has made poor decisions because you were reacting through the day and firing off email after email, stopping to fire a few texts, and even reacting harshly to an annoyed customer? 20 minutes of learning is like an adult “time-out” of sorts. Or, if you prefer, call it “halftime.” Like professional athletes, we need to take a break to think. The gift of 20 minutes of learning is that it not only gives us a much needed break, but also replenishes our mind with useful information and perspective, the kind that will propel us to better performance for the remainder of the day.

Subconscious Power: I always spend 20 minutes of learning with an open notepad beside me because when my conscious brain is freed to rest, the subconscious often kicks in with good ideas or answers to problems in the workplace. I am not smart enough to tell you how this happens, but it is why some people say that their best ideas come in the shower or in other areas where they are not thinking about a specific problem. Reading is another activity that turns off the problem-solving portion of our brain and allows the subconscious to go to work. To that end, do not be surprised if 20 minutes of learning leads to better ideas.

These are only three reasons to spend 20 minutes learning at the office each day – there are surely more! But, what happens if the boss catches you blowing off work to read the latest John Maxwell leadership book?

I’ll bet she walks away thinking, “I should promote so and so. I caught Alex checking Facebook the other day. He’s an employee who should really spend more time learning through substantiative reading.”

The fact of the matter is that we all should.

My challenge to you is to start spending at least 20 minutes learning through reading and let me know how it goes.

You have the time – stop making excuses!

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alex hoffer with family integrity service and trust in background

Special Post: Health, Humility, and Faith.

Occasionally, I pause from leadership topics to write a more personal post. This is one of those. What follows may seem fictional, but I can assure you that it is not. My ask is that you share this post with someone if you think it will give them encouragement.

My story begins with a small pain, the kind that is both not that noticeable, but never fully gone. After living with this on-and-off again pain throughout the Summer, I mentioned it to my doctor during my annual physical. Is it a hernia, I asked? She was not concerned, but referred me to a surgeon just to be sure.

Before using her referral, however, I wanted to make an appointment with another surgeon I knew personally from my golf club. So, I called his office and tried to make an appointment. The switchboard, however, asked me several questions, and I ended up being told I needed to see someone else altogether. While this sounds immaterial, it later became important because it forced me to see the surgeon my doctor had ultimately referred me to.

A week later, the day after my birthday no less, I discovered I needed double hernia surgery. While this surgery was needed—eventually—the doctor gave me the option for “watchful waiting.” So, over the course of the next week or so I prayed and asked God for some guidance as to what I should do. While I did not feel an “epiphany,” I did come to terms with the peaceful feeling that October 23rd would be my surgery date and the best time to get this taken care of. Health first, I thought.

Little did I know how much the health first lesson would be driven home in the following weeks…

The surgery day came and the procedure went seemingly well. That is until I tried to walk post procedure. I immediately felt a pain that I had never had before. I felt so nauseous that I almost passed out. The nurse assured me that this was normal, probably a side-effect of the anesthesia. A few hours later, Sarah and I were at home eating a small dinner.

It was the last meal I would eat for seven days.

The next morning began with more serious pain. I felt bloated, tired, and simply uncomfortable. The doctor had told me prior to surgery that I would be okay to walk the neighborhood the day after surgery, but that felt like a pipe dream. Tomorrow, I thought.

Tomorrow came but it was much worse. This led Sarah to call the doctor on call, and I will spare you the details of what the doctor suggested that I try to alleviate my symptoms because they were the kind of measures too embarrassing to share here. “If they don’t work,” the doctor said, “then you need to come in.”

By 8 p.m. I was admitted into the emergency room. This led to a quick CT scan and the emergency room doctor telling me that I was going to be admitted after they inserted an “NG Tube” into me.

Objective Pause 1.0

What is an “NG Tube?” A nasogastric tube (NG tube) is a special tube that carries food and medicine to the stomach through the nose. In other words, the only way in is up through the nose and down into the stomach. I asked the nurse how long “this fun” (I used those words) would take, and she said that it would be the “longest” two minutes of my life. With that, I told Sarah to take a walk, and the three of us (another nurse was present) started the weirdest “fraternity” party of my life —I call this a “fraternity” party because one nurse yelled for me to “chug” water through a straw while the tube went down my throat. This was to ensure that it went into my stomach and not my lung.

I cannot find any two minutes that capture 2020 more than these two.

The days—not hours—to come were complex. The first day featured a litany of tests that confounded my doctor because I passed them all. Could this simply be that my stomach was “slow” to wake up post-surgery? In hopes that this was the case, the doctor ordered a test where a “dye” was injected into my IV. The goal was to see whether it could make it all the way through my system. While this is a little gross to put in writing, it is important to share because a few hours later led to the closest thing I have ever experienced in terms of a dark night of the soul.

It was about 8 p.m. in the evening, or about 5 hours after the test had begun, when the pain went from a “5” to a “10.” I was writhing in pain by 8:30 p.m. I am not too proud to admit that I began crying out God. This is no figure of speech either, I was so uncomfortable that I was literally talking aloud in my hospital room. By 11:30 p.m. the pain was so intense that I was asking Jesus to take me home.

Objective Pause 2.0

There is much to say about pain and why God allows pain in our lives. There is a lot to say even about sin, the fallibility of man, and theology in general. I am happy to go into more detail of what I believe in person, but suffice it for now to say that I have gone astray in my personal life. I am a sinner, meaning I often choose “my will” and preferences, over God’s. Further, I often think “my way” is best. But it never is. While this does not fully explain pain, the reality is that one day I will die because death is the natural consequence of separation from God (the source of life). So to a certain extent, the pain I was feeling in this instance may not have been “fair,” but it was certainty not “unjust.” In fact, it is only because of amazing grace that I don’t experience more pain in my life.

Objective Pause 2.5

I would also be remiss to say that even though I have had moments in my life where I felt God speak in one way or another, this moment was not one of them. That said, and as events would play out, I still never felt alone. This was admittedly an odd juxtaposition. But, spiritual life is not simple or explainable. So, I cannot adequately explain any of this and make note of that reality here.

By the mercy of God, the pain eventually subsided throughout the night. The next morning I began circling the hall of my hospital floor pushing my IV. I was encouraged to do this by the doctor in order to get my system moving. The nurses cheered me on as I walked lap after lap (about 380 feet per lap). I would end up totaling over 100 laps over the course of the week, an accomplishment that the fighter in me is proud of!

For the sake of time, the next two days were a mixed bag. There were moments when my system seemed to indicate that I was on the path to healing. But, these were quickly followed by the harsh reality that something was still very wrong. By 5:00 p.m. on night four in the hospital, the surgeon looked at me and said that he thought he needed to operate the next morning. I fully agreed.

Objective Pause 3.0

As the surgeon told me, you never want to be the “odd” medical case. Nor, do you want to be the case that stumps the surgeon. Nor, do you want to be the case the surgeon needs help on. Nor, do you want to be the case that delays all the other surgeries the following morning. As luck would have it, I was all of the above!

I awoke early the morning of October 30th and did my Bible reading. Afterwards, I spent time praying for the nurses, staff, and doctors that would take care of me that day. I cannot explain how or why, but I had a sense of confidence. The one thing I wanted to avoid was MORE surgery, yet over the course of the previous five days, I had surrendered to God’s will. In fact, I told God, “I do not like what is happening, but I trust you Father. I do not get it, but I know you are Good. My hope is not in this surgery being successful, but in an eternity with you.” In fact, the more alone time I had that week, the more I realized how vain my hopes often are: business, success, political outcomes, material things, etc. These things are not bad, they just are not as important as I often make them. I also thanked God for how strong my wife is and was through all of this. What a blessing it is to have a rock, human speaking, in times like these! I am blessed beyond belief!

As I lay on my bed awaiting surgery, I observed how beautiful the culture is at Delnor Hospital. Nurses hugged each other, doctors gave each other fist bumps, and everyone treated me with respect. My surgeon was ALL-IN throughout the week and met me before 6:30 a.m. on surgery day. Having sported a University of Iowa headband during our first surgery, the historian in me joked that today, “we are all Hawkeyes,” which made him laugh (look up President Reagan’s exchange with his surgeon in 1981 for context).

The good Lord took it from there. Here are the two texts Sarah sent our family to summarize how my surgery went:

“Surgery was a success! Praise the Lord. Apparently there was a small tear in the periteneum (sp?)—thin layer between muscle and intestines. This happened during surgery or after. We don’t know. But a small piece of the small intestine got caught in it and caused an obstruction. Dr pulled it out—intestine is totally healthy so he put it back in place and sewed the hole shut. (This is my layman’s understanding lol!). Bottom line is he will be fine!!! Hopefully going home tomorrow or Saturday. Thank you for your prayers. God is so good even when things are hard. And we are so thankful for the community of support we have!

Another cool god thing is that the surgeon said in 25 years of practice he’s never seen this happen. BUT recently there was a virtual surgery conference and he happened to click on a session about post op complications that showed exactly this. It’s what gave him the nudge to do surgery and it was exactly what he found.”

Objective Pause 4.0

I am thankful that I somehow was directed to this surgeon, even when I tried to make an appointment with a different one. I do not have enough faith to believe this was happenstance. Rather, I believe it was the divine hand of God.

5 Lessons

As I write these words, six days have now passed since my second surgery. My health continues to improve, and I am walking about 3 miles per day outside! Here are some thoughts to end this post:

  1. In manufacturing, and apparently surgery, things happen. It is not a matter of “if”, but rather a matter of how you react when they do. I thank God that I had someone who worked the problem with me. This is what leaders do! (And, in case you are wondering, as unfortunate as my situation was, I hold no ill-will or blame towards anyone.)
  2. I spent seven days not eating, most experiencing the pain of my small intestine breaching an abdominal wall. Still, my self-talk during this week often revolved around calling myself names for not being a “man” with pain. This is a humble lesson to learn. Negative self-talk does not help anything. Further, I will take pain a lot more seriously in the future.
  3. While this blog will continue to talk about leadership and personal development, this experience teaches me that my priorities are: God, health, Sarah, kids, and everything else. Why that order? Because without health I am of little good to Sarah, the kids, and Hoffer Plastics.
  4. While I was in the hospital, Hoffer Plastics had an AWESOME October. I am so replaceable it is both funny and awesome. This is just one more reason to take health seriously…(Great job team!)
  5. While I cannot speak for anyone else, my hope is rooted in the eyewitness account of the resurrection of Jesus. Nothing else matters.

In closing, I suppose if 2020 has taught me anything, it is to keep the faith when life gets hard, humility is a virtue we should all strive for, and always expect the unexpected.

Special Post: Health, Humility, and Faith. Read More »

thankful sign on wood

Thanksgiving 2020

2020 has been a year unlike any other, except, there HAVE been years like 2020. Wait, how can that be? In reading John Barry’s, The Great Influenza, I discovered how the influenza pandemic of 1918-1920 was horrific in ways unmatched since. Racial, and even political divisions, have also been greater in our history – years like 1860 and 1968, come to mind. Further, the economic recession this past Spring does not even compare to the Great Depression. While these may be considered “small wins,” in the year of 2020, they are not even that. They just simply are. And, they point to the need for a collective perspective.

Perspective is rare these days because discontentment, anger, and rage have never been more in vogue. The point of this post is not to dwell into the necessity of societal change — my position is that it is, to some degree, needed —but rather, to take a time-out from such dialogue in order to gain perspective. I submit that leaders are worth following when they get above the fray, look onto the horizon, and remind their followers not only what they (still) have, but also what they have received. With the time remaining in this post, I will do just that.

Perspective always leads to thanksgiving. For me, this is true because perspective always begins with the realization that I am not God. Therefore, all that I have is not “mine” necessarily. I did not arrange to be born into my family of origin, have the upbringing I had, nor the amazing hair genes that I have! But, I am truly thankful for all of this.

While the 18 year old version of me —dyed blond hair no less—thought to a certain extent that I was god, something transpired over the following 7 years that changed me from the inside-out. While this transformation may provoke eye-rolls, I found that doing life with Jesus has been entirely transformative for me. I am not embarrassed by that or Him, hence my inclusion here. I am so thankful I am His.

I am thankful that I met a girl named Sarah in 2005 at a church event at Joe’s Bar off North Avenue in Chicago. Marrying her continues to be the best human decision I have ever made. I am thankful she has not grown tired of me yet, especially this year when I have been extra moody on occasion. I am, and always will be, thankful for Sarah.

Will, Ben, and Sadie, are amazing blessings that continually remind me of my fallen nature. They know exactly how to push my buttons, which always reminds me how much I have to grow in terms of patience. That said, we have a lot of fun together and I could not have asked for better kids. I am thankful for them.

I spend an inordinate amount of time at work and I am thankful every Monday morning that I have a job. You might find this hard to believe, but I started 2008 unemployed as a high school substitute teacher – one course short of a Master’s degree. That humbling experience taught me to value every day that I am employed. It also taught me that my “professional why” is largely based on using the skills I have been given to ensure that people have jobs. Therefore, I am thankful for work, even when it is really hard like it has often been in 2020.

I am thankful for the 400 plus people at Hoffer Plastics that I consider my family. While 2020 has been difficult, I am continually amazed at their hard work, dedication, and willingness to show up no matter what. We never closed for COVID-19 and yes, they showed up. I will never forget walking the floor those early days of the pandemic. It was a demonstration of everyone being all-in. It is always “us,” and never “me,” here. So, I am thankful for every one of “us.”

Finally, I am writing this post in the middle part of October — long before the Presidential election has been decided. Don’t worry, I am not going to pivot politically here. But, I am going to point out how thankful I am for different perspectives, free speech, and free religion. I am at my best when my mind is open to the perspectives of people that I do not necessarily agree with, don’t share my political or religious affiliations, or sports rooting interest. In fact, I contend that to be a leader worth following deeper into the 21st century, I am going to need to grow in my ability to be more accepting of those differences. I suspect the same can be said for most leaders.

I close by citing the opening paragraph of Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 “Thanksgiving Proclamation”…….

“The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and even soften the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.”

Lincoln wrote these words towards the end of the bloodiest conflict in American History.

Perspective was as rare then as it is now.

Let us all lean-in to being thankful this holiday season, especially when it seems so difficult to do.

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woman walking down center line of road

Leadership Essentials – Predictability

This last month I have focused on some of the essentials of leadership: accountability, vision, and courage. There are countless other traits necessary for a leader to be someone worth following —integrity, positivity, humility, to name a few—yet today, I want to wrap-up this mini-series with something that I think is often overlooked: predictability. In an environment that is changing faster than ever before due to new technology, innovation, and countless other societal forces, people gravitate more and more to leaders that are predictable. This happens because moving an organization from point A to point B is what leaders do, and people are naturally inclined to resist such movement; therefore, it is essential for leaders to be predictable so that people trust them enough to follow them. Hang with me while I explain…

Predictable behavior is essential because it is clear. What I mean is that when “x” happens, the organization knows that the leader’s response will be “y.” For example, team members at Apple knew that Steve Jobs demanded 100% excellence in the products they produced. So, it was extremely predictable that he would erupt, maybe even taking it too far, when the design team at Apple failed to execute even the smallest of details on a new product launch. While we can evaluate the methods of Steve Jobs’ leadership, it is hard to argue that his reactions were not, at least to a certain degree, predictable. And, this is one of the reasons people stayed on the Apple team, even after suffering through one of his eruptions.

On the contrary, one of the basketball coaches I played for growing up had multiple reactions for various situations. The most alarming came during our practices where fighting was sometimes allowed — we had multiple fist fights during our “no rules” practices. Our coach was a really good strategist — I learned many basketball lessons from him — but no one on the team wanted to follow him. So, even though our team was was tougher than nails and was very successful (26-5), many of us chose not to play organized basketball again after that experience.

Similarly, it is often cited that people do not leave organizations, they leave managers. If this is true, how many of these people cite a manager that is too predictable as the reason they leave the organization? For example, “my boss at my old job was such a jerk because every time I did something wrong he called me into his office to have a conversation.” Think about it, people never cite this. Rather, they say something along the lines of, “my boss at my old job was such a jerk because one day I would be praised for something and the next day I was criticized for the exact same thing. I could not take it anymore.” The lack of predictability destroys trust and when trust is gone, people leave.

A couple of clarifications before wrapping up. I am not suggesting that leaders should never change their minds on things. One of the things that make leaders worth following is their willingness to seek new information and ideas. I am not talking about that above, but rather that the process (behavior) leaders go through as they change their minds should be predictable. Further, predictability is often equated to as “boring” so people resist it. “Spontaneity,” for example, may be great during the early stages of a dating relationship —a female acquaintance twenty years ago called me boring because I was so predictable (truer words have never been spoken — LOL) —but, you will find that when a relationship becomes serious, good luck if your behavior remains “spontaneous.” The point again being that, people follow, or in this example, commit, to predictability. So, lead your spouse to a spontaneous activity, but never waver from your predictable behavior. See the difference? – (Love advice in this week’s post is free of charge!)

Obviously, I have gone on long enough if I have already shared two high school stories in one post.

In closing, I am committed to this blog continuing to focus on encouraging leaders to be someone worth following. As you can see, this blog too is predictable. So, to that end, I encourage you again toward accountability for your actions. The buck stops with us as leaders. Further, let’s paint a picture of a place worthy of our effort, and let’s lead people to that place. Doing so will be hard, but let’s face it, being a leader means that we get the privilege of doing the things no one else wants to do. Let’s courageously embrace this. And finally, let’s be predictable in how we behave so that people know what to expect from us on the journey.

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man holding sign that says do not wait for leaders become them

Leadership Essentials: Vulnerability

Craig Groeschel ends each podcast charging leaders to: “Be yourself. People would rather follow a leader who is always real rather than a leader who is always right.” Authenticity is vital to leadership and the only way to be fully real with others is to be vulnerable.

I make this assertion because vulnerability is the quality or state of being exposed. From a leadership perspective, vulnerability is the force that exposes a leader’s true self to their followers. Because vulnerability does expose leaders to their followers, some argue that leaders should not be vulnerable, but, this is only true from a top-down authoritarian perspective of management. Leadership, conversely, is always about influence, and it takes trust to build influence. Thus, to come full circle, people tend to follow people that are always real rather than people that are always right. To be someone worth following, we have to be comfortable being exposed.

What does this look like? While there are probably many examples, and even entire books written on vulnerable leadership —Brene Brown’s 20 minute TED talk is a good starting point — I want to share a simple example from my own leadership that anyone reading this blog can do. I make this assertion because you do not need to read a book, take a course, or listen to another podcast about vulnerability. More learning is not required, but courage is. Having the courage to be vulnerable is always about being uncomfortable because it exposes one’s self.

My story begins with a meeting that I was leading with our Plant Managers. I spent the majority of the meeting casting a vision about the rest of 2020 and fielding questions about our strategy. I always encourage the Plant Managers to voice their opinions and we have collectively created an environment where we all —the Plant Managers, our Directors in attendance, and myself — can be real. This particular meeting was much of the same, but I felt compelled at the end to say something extra. Admittedly, this feeling came from a podcast I had listened to that morning about how the worst jobs are those where people feel under-appreciated. So, I felt compelled to point out what I appreciated about the people in the room.

I started by telling the team that what I was about to do might feel weird for them and me. I don’t know if that is how a book on vulnerability would tell me to start, but it felt right to me, and remember, the trick is to be yourself. I then went around the room pointing out things I appreciated. For example:

  • I told one Plant Manager that I saw him working hard in another Plant two Fridays ago. He was sweating, helping, and was all-in. I voiced my appreciation for that extra effort and dedication.
  • I told another individual that every time I walk by his office on Friday mornings, I can see him coaching his Foreman. It leaves me with encouragement because I see the future developing in front of my eyes. I told him how much I appreciate his willingness to coach.
  • I told one of our most seasoned team-members that I appreciate his help in ALL matters. I also told him that I appreciate that he has the guts to tell me things other people would not tell me. (The room laughed because we all knew it was true).
  • And on and on I went through the entire room….

While this may indicate that I am an extremely vulnerable leader, the truth about me is that I often “chicken out.” I fail to say something to a sibling or co-worker because I lack the courage to have a conversation in the moment. There are sometimes things I feel prompted to say, but it feels a little too “emotional” for the workplace and I don’t say it. Or worse, I have a compliment to pay Sarah and I let the time go because the moment just did not feel “right,” in my own head ……. whatever that means. A little courage could go a long way and would dispel all of the above.

Yet, as the story also points out, I CAN be vulnerable when I choose courage.

My challenge is for you to choose courage as well. Aim to be someone that is real and vulnerable. You will become the kind of person others willingly follow and much to your own surprise, one of the most effective Leaders!

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mountain climbers climbing mountain

Leadership Essentials: Courage Through Conflict

People worth following are leaders and, as I have written the last two weeks, these people are worth following because they are both accountable and have a vision. The next essential component of leadership is courage. If the buck stops with the leader (accountability), and the leader is the one that helps move the organization from point A to point B (vision), courage then becomes the necessary ingredient for action. Action, however, always leads to some form of conflict because individuals, organizations, and entities often resist it. This resistance stems from the change required to move from point A to point B. Thus, the need of the leader is to courageously embrace conflict.

The leader is compelled to the “land of conflict” because conflict is the pathway to the “land of what could be.” For the individual, the “land of what could be” might be a healthier lifestyle or mindset. To achieve this vision, the individual will have to overcome the resistance towards it —a new workout routine, a changed diet, or a new way of thinking—and courageously fight through this resistance in order to achieve the vision. Organizations are no different. Casting the vision is one thing, overcoming the resistance to change is quite another.

Overcoming organizational resistance begins with addressing it head on. Leaders should not bulldoze opposing views because doing so would make them no better than a tyrant —and no one willingly follows a tyrant. Rather, addressing resistance should be done with a notepad, pen, and an open mind. Leaders should ask questions, understand what the concerns are, and even research the concerns to see how valid they are. Above all, leaders should make sure people are heard and valued. Based on what is learned, the strategy and tactics may, or may not, change. The vision itself might change, or perhaps become clearer. Armed with these new insights, the leader can begin moving the organization towards point B.

While the above paragraph sounds idealistic, I have discovered that it does not have to be. The problem is that there is internal resistance to listening to the resistance —“I don’t have time for this” is often a bogus excuse for “I don’t have the courage to spend the time necessary to do this relational work.” Or, “I am not really open to opposing views that will challenge my own view.” But, when we see it through, when we hear the resisters out, and when they feel valued, the worst case scenario is moving forward with a person that feels valued even though they disagree with the direction in which the entity is moving. This is always better than a disgruntled, unheard, and undervalued follower.

Before ending this post, there is one more point important to make. The above reality is why leaders need to surround themselves with followers who can, and will, lead themselves. This is vital on multiple levels. First, the leader is worth following because they are developing others and passing off responsibility to others. Again, dictators keep authority to themselves, whereas leaders are in the business of giving it away. This not only helps develop others, but also safeguards the organization. It is succession planning in practice.

Second, leaders need to surround themselves with followers that can lead because, as counterintuitive as it may sound, leaders need to be led themselves at times. What I mean is that leaders need help in refining the vision, and they may occasionally need to be held accountable to being courageous. After all, leaders are leaders because they are willing to do the things nobody else wants to do. Abdicating this responsibility for too long will do nothing less than destroy their credibility as a leader.

Finally, the last reason a leader must surround themselves with followers that can lead is for the purpose of organizational health. For the difference between a complainer and leader is subtle. Perhaps this oversimplifies, but the subtlety is often the courage to take action on that complaint. No leader can do this entirely on their own, which is why it is critical they surround themselves with people that can help shoulder the load.

Leaders always take action. Leaders do this because they have courage. And, to come full circle, this is one of the reasons people follow them.

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man on top of mountain looking at clouds below him

Leadership Essentials: Vision

Leadership is about moving from Point A to Point B. If the organization, person, or entity does not have to move from Point A to Point B there is no need for a leader. The leader, after all, is the one initiating the movement toward Point B. The leader is worth following for multiple reasons, but the primary being that the leader is moving towards something worth moving toward – in the case above, the aforementioned Point B —and others follow because of this. But what is Point B and why is it worth moving toward? These two questions comprise the building blocks for today’s topic of vision.

Before commenting further on these two essential components of vision, let’s clarify what vision is not. Vision is not a stretch goal. A stretch goal should be measurable and have a definite end, whereas a vision might never be reached fully. Similarly, a vision is not a set of beliefs. Beliefs are vitally important and assist in deciphering who should be on the team and how the team behaves. But, beliefs are beliefs and not the vision itself. A vision, on the other hand, is something worth pursuing with all your gusto because it is grand and unique to you and/or your organizaiton. It is the culmination of a worldview, or the way things ought to be in your life, organization, or world. Unlike goals, which are necessarily tactical, visions are emotional and inspirational. Goals engage your brain, whereas vision engages your heart.

To quote Simon Sinek, vision always “starts with why.” “Why” has two necessary elements: Point A and Point B. First, the leader needs to spell out why you cannot stay at Point A. Inside an organization, Point A might be “status quo” and doing things the way things have always been done. The key here is to spell out exactly why persisting this way will not work. The leader needs to take time doing so because unless people see the need to leave Point A they will stay there because human nature naturally resists change. Then, the leader needs to start simultaneously painting the picture of what Point B is and why Point B matters.

As an example of how to do this I will share how our organization summed up our vision for surviving the health and economic challenges brought on by COVID-19. Put concisely, we repeatedly told our organization that we wanted to keep as many people healthy and employed as possible. We started by explaining why this mattered: Our first core value is Family, so we drew a line in the sand and told the organization that no matter what ensued economically, our first tactic would be to keep as many people employed as possible. My sisters and I took reductions in pay first because leaders should go first. Then our Executive Team followed, and so did other volunteers in the organization. We also told our team that we would not do layoffs, or “right sizing.” While we understood how some organizations used the reality of the recession to do this — some were also forced to do this in order to survive — we decided this was not for us unless things got so bad we were forced to. Thankfully, our only bad month was April so this never came to fruition and we were able to quickly reverse course on many of the other sacrifices.

We also over-communicated what we were doing from a safety standpoint in the building. Shutting down was not an option for us because much of what our customers did was deemed “essential.” So we provided PPE to everyone, wore face masks before it was mandated, did temperature checks starting in March, and so on. While these “whats” are important, we always communicated “why” we were doing them, which again, pointed back to treating each other well and being one big family. Admittedly, this view of culture is not for everyone. And, I am also not saying that it is the best way to run a business. I am only saying that it is how we run ours and thus, is integral to our vision for surviving COVID-19 and our grander vision of where we are headed in the future.

Make no mistake that outlining the “why” and “what” did not automatically make things easy for us. As we can all probably agree, 2020 has been many things, but easy is not one of them. Still, these two components provided the building blocks for a vision.

I will close by sharing that I often imagined what it would be like to get through the worst of the pandemic and recession without any forced layoffs. This was our ideal future. Thankfully, it has been realized to date.

I encourage leaders to dream big in their organizations and set out to achieve a better tomorrow. Not only will it energize your team, but it will also bring a renewed sense of purpose to you and them. This is what makes work both meaningful and noble. And, it is the kind of thing that makes leaders worth following.

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